Friday, January 18, 2019

A Short History of Vacations

History Of Vacations

The concept of vacationing is old and new at the same time. The first vacationers were ancient Romans, members of the wealthy classes, who left home for exploring the known world and spend prolonged periods, often years, traveling. Vacationing ceased to be popular during the Middle Ages, but the Renaissance saw a revival of the tradition in wealthy families to go and see the world.

Vacationing continued to be a privilege of the wealthy classes until the Industrial Revolution. The rapid development of technology brought about new, relatively cheap means of transport, such as steamboats and railways and the 19th century was the period when the concept of free time and vacations first spread among the working class as well. Travelling and vacationing in faraway places gradually became accessible for the masses, too and by the 20th century, large crowds could be seen on resorts all over Europe and the US. The way to spend vacations diversified as real estate entrepreneurs recognized the potentials of building timeshare resorts and selling timeshares and infrastructure in previously inaccessible areas and the business grew beyond the wildest expectations as air travel became more affordable, until it became the global, multibillion-dollar industry with travel and vacationing opportunities available to anyone that it is today.

Article Source over here: A Short History of Vacations

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